Brora in Sutherland

Night 7/2018. Brora M&CC Site, just outside the village of Brora in Sutherland.

I've been to Brora a few times over the years, but I had always been in a campervan, not a caravan. It's a good site. The area is very historic, particularly in relation to the highland clearances. Strath Brora is particularly important, but the other cleared straths are only a few miles away. Nearby Helmsdale has a museum dedicated to this, there is a heritage centre in Brora, and nearby Golspie is notorious for being the seat of the Sutherlands in Dunrobin Castle.

Slept well in the van last night, having a disgraceful lie in until 0720! This highland air is doing me great! Walked the dogs round the woods, again, where of all things, I met a man walking a Dandy Dinmont. Years since I've seen one.

The drive up was good with two exceptions; the roadworks on the Cromarty Bridge were horrendous, and worse still, one of my towing mirrors flew off near Evanton. It was too dangerous to stop, so its the last I ever seen of it.

Arrived at the site around 1200 with my single mirror still attached. It is a nice place to stay, and the site was virtually empty. 2 nights for £26 is a bargain.

Weather was breezy and drizzly, but first job was to get the dogs out. Through a gate, across 50yds of a golf course, and what an absolutely incredible beach. Goes for miles and it is golden sand, orangy gold!

Its an interesting Golf Course. It's apparently a world class course to play, but it is on common grazing which the local crofters take full advantage of. The greens are surrounded by fencing, and there are cow pats everywhere! When I've been before, I've witnessed herds of cattle and flocks of sheep. Must drive the golfers mental!

It was a wet afternoon, so it was on with the waterproofs and back out for a long walk. Left the site, walked along the beach into Brora, then back out along the road through Dalchalm.

Interesting beach. First time in my life I've seen cuttlefish outside a budgies cage, and there were thousands of them.

Also an astonishing number of dead guillemots. Must have been the storms of late, there must have been one every 20ft.

Lovely little harbour area where the River Brora enters the sea.

Weather still a but dull and damp, but the weather for tomorrow, Saturday, looks pretty good.


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