
Showing posts from April, 2019

Reflections on my Trip to Oban

After returning home today, Saturday 6th April 2019, I'm now looking back to the last 3 days I had staying in my caravan at Oban C&CC Site near Benderloch. I think there are two stand out realisations I made during this trip. Firstly, I have never really appreciated the beauty and appeal of Argyll before. I think my previous visits with my camper van curtailed my ability to explore and enjoy the area. On this trip I visited many nearby places and done a huge amount of walking. I literally 'walked the legs off' the dogs! The woods, forest, and hill routes I walked were superb. Secondly, and connected to my first realisation is that I should have bought a good quality caravan years ago. The camper vans I have owned were great fun and probably ideal for Munro Bagging, but the pure comfort and utility value of a caravan is unparalleled. The ability to disconnect the van and go wander in the car is a huge advantage. The highlights? Probably the walks I took up Glen

Ballachulish to Benderloch

This is night No.11/2019 living in my caravan. It's my third night at the Oban C&CC Site near Benderloch, about 15miles north of Oban. Got up around 0700 after another great sleep, thanks to the excellent mattress in this van. Took the dogs around the adjacent forest, then after breakfast, we headed north to Gleann a Choalais (Glen Achullish) near Ballachulish. I've been here before, in fact I'd slept in my camper van in the FC carpark. It's the start of the walk around the 'horseshoe' of Munros at the head of the glen. The weather was outstanding and the views were incredible. Looking back at the carpark, which was empty. The lofty peak of Sgorr Dhonuill.  Followed the walkers path a good way up the glen. It was a great walk. Stopped in at the nearby co-op, then headed back to the van for lunch. After lunch, took the dogs up the hill behind the site to the reservoir in the forest. A good walk. The last time I was here the reserv

Around Oban

This is night No. 10/2019 living in my caravan. This is my second night at the Oban C&CC Site near Connel in Argyll. Last night was the first night in my new van. It was outstanding! Great sleep on a really good mattress, waking at a leisurely 0700. The hot water system in the van (new to me) is also brilliant. Piping hot water on tap, great for doing the dishes. After my Lemon and Honey, took the dogs for a walk around the adjacent forest. Good chance to have a run around. A really nice river runs through this wood. According to the OS map, I believe its called. Abhainn Teithil. The gorges along this water are remarkable. I had studied the OS map for this area, and noticed a couple of walks in nearby Glen Creran. The first walk was Glasdrum Wood NNR. It's along a road which is almost redundant with the bridge near Creagan making this loop of the loch unnecessary. It's Scotlands version of a temperate Rain Forest. Not quite sure what this signifies?


This is night No.9/2019 living in my caravan. Now at the Oban C&CC Site near Connel, around 15 miles north of Oban. A bit of a ‘Glasgow Prestwick’ going on here! Not bad at £39.90 for 3 nights at this excellent site. I’ve been here many times before, but never in a caravan. I believe I was last here on 22nd August 2016 in my camper van. I was very keen to get away. This would be the first trip in my new Eriba 530GT and I am eagerly wanting to try out the facilities like fixed bed and hot water! Spookily, my first trip in my old 320GT was one year and one day earlier on 2/4/17! I’d booked the site last night at home. Come the morning, I was seriously doubting whether or not it was a good idea. It was blowing an absolute hooly when I awoke. It was also pissing down. However, as the morning drew on, the wind died and the rain got a little lighter. I left home around 1100 for what I estimated would be a journey of around 4hrs. Hooked up the van, and left heading dow

New Van!

I've got another Eriba! I've been considering a number of changes over the winter regarding my caravan. I've thought of an additional caravan, namely a Puck, a change from my Familia to a Puck L, or even buying a new Eriba, possibly a 320GT to replace the Familia I have. I regularly monitor a number of dealers sites, Gumtree, and eBay. I've enquired about a few, but my I've never followed them up. Most were either too far away, or after some serious doubting on my part were then considered unsuitable. It was on a forum and on a Facebook page that I noticed a rather attractive Troll for sale. It was less than 2 years old, and located in Scotland. I'd never even considered a Troll. I imagined them as being to large and 'stretched' for my liking. I kept an eye on the advert, noticing that the price had been dropped on two occasions, to a price which I started to find quite appealing. I contacted the seller and we agreed on a viewing. I viewed t