Woods and Hills in Northumberland

This is night No.33/2019 living in my caravan. It's the second night pitched at the River Breamish C&MC Site near Powburn.

Got up very early, around 0545, to fair weather. Not as clear as yesterday, but still dry. I am definitely getting the feeling today that this spell of weather is definitely breaking! Took the dogs for a run around the site dog walk, then after breakfast I took the dogs out for a good blast  around the Branton Nature Reserve next door to the site.

Orchid type flowers, the same as I saw near Fairgirth in Dumfries and Galloway.

I think these were bull rush?

Later in the morning, I wanted to head over to near Rothbury and walk the Simonside Hills, which I'd done last year. The ridge can be seen ahead as you leave the main forest.

The path is an old 'pack horse' track, the bedrock having been chiselled to assist the horses with gripping on the steeper parts.

Great views, if a bit dull, north over the National Park.

On the ridge, there are thousands of natural stone slabs. This makes for great walking.

A distant and rather gloomy Rothbury.

Looking along the ridge.

Looking back on Dove Crag.

It is a great walk with a real hill feel about it. Later in the afternoon, we headed for the short 15 min drive to Hepburn Wood. Off the lead walking is really limited in this area, and the Forestry Commission are really the only offering of good walking.

An ancient relic in the wood. 'Used 2000BC' it says!

Good chance for a off the lead blast.

Really not sure what to do for tomorrow. The forecast looks dreadful with a lot of rain and extremely heavy showers. Might 'ride it out' here, or move on to another site?


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