Getting Prepared for 2021


Touring this year is going to be a bit different. It's probably be a bit busier with foreign holidays more or less banned, and in addition site facilities (toilets, showers, and dishwashing) will either be restricted, closed, or even if they are fully open, probably a lot busier.

So, in a small caravan like mine with no onboard toilet or hot water, or space (!), what can be done to prepare for this years touring? I'd proved this little van can handle 'no-facility' CL last year, and to be honest, in many ways I preferred it. No more strategic timing of shower trips, queues, or (being polite) facilities which previous users have forgot to clean properly!!

What I'm outlining here is the equipment I'll be taking with me to make by Eriba Puck self sufficient. The van is already fitted out for solar, which works a treat, but I will be mainly on sites with mains power which I'll be using for heating with my fan heater, boiling kettles, and for my toaster or Remoska cooker.

For hot water I have bought a Kampa Geyser hot water system. 12v and gas and it works great. I've fitted a quick release on the gas supply and can be connected either to a free standing bottle, or a quick release I fitted in a cupboard near the door.

It can provide hot water for the dishes but more importantly attach a shower head and it's a great shower. The pump end goes into a container of water, and I catch all the waste water in this big tub..

I used a similar arrangement last year but used a 12v shower head and pump, but the issue was that I had to heat a huge amount of water to get even a short shower. Now I am limited to the size of the feed tank, and I've got a big tank.

For toilet purposes, I've got my trusty and well served Thetford Porta Potti.

I have 2 toilet/utility tents, and old cracking canvas one and a pop up bendy one. The bendy one is virtually useless in a breeze, and I don't really want to change over from toilet to shower use, so everything will be housed in the Kampa Pop Air Pro Awning. This thing is fantastic and stands up to anything.

Strangely, in a way I'm really looking forward to this set up. Being more self-sufficient definitely appeals to me and I'm quite happy for others to fight over facilities! Never fails to amaze me that folk buy these massive white wobble boxes with all mod cons, right down to a fireplace, and for some reason are desperate not to use them??


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