Around Loch Tay


This is night No.27/2021 living in the caravan. This is the second night at Clachan C&MC Site near Killin.

The weather today was a huge improvement on yesterday. It was very wet and was continuous and heavy from around 1300 until about 2100. Today has been very different, it brightened up during the morning, turning very pleasant, and then became a bit showery around 1500. Definitely better. I can tell by the ground in the awning, yesterday it was puddling from beneath and today it is dry.

Took the dogs for an early morning blast on the hill behind the site, which is accessed through a gate between the next door holiday chalets. After breakfast, headed the short drive into Killin to walk the Acharn Circular. I'd noted this walk on the OS App on my phone. It is a 4 mile route on forestry tracks and old railway lines.

Parked up in a layby near the Falls of Dochart, an impressive set of rapids in the centre of Killin, crossed the road, and entered the forest.

The first section was on an excellent old railway bed, a route which heads up towards Glen Ogle on a steady incline.

A popular route with cyclists going by the tracks, but we were only passed by one pair.

Tree fungi.

Great views over to the Lawers Range.

Swiftly passed this small quarry and a digger which was breaking rocks.

The Tarmachan Ridge in the distance.

After lunch, headed east along the side of Loch Tay to a couple of forestry walks I'd noticed on the way here yesterday. This was a loch side walk near Balnearn, nice but a bit short. Good pleasant walk all the same.

Headed further east and just past Fearnan, stopped at this walk.

It was excellent. Maybe a mile or so of a recently mown track. Fine walking.

Stopped at the end and managed to get a few pictures of some butterflies. I believe this speckled one is a Pearl Bordered Fritillary which is quite rare and is in big decline in England and Wales, with few places where they are spotted in Scotland.

This one is a Ringlet. Fairly sparse in Scotland.

A good days walking and glad the weather improved!


  1. I think you won a watch today, Iain ... it poured all day in Angus and The Mearns. That is a great walk/run where you ventured in the morning with nice wee undulating sections. You should maybe share your photos with whatever organisation monitors butterflies in the UK. I bet they would appreciate that, especially if they are as rare as you suspect. Happy travels.


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